Main exhibitor application

Secure your share in our success concept to present your company, your subjects and projects and to make contacts—with a stand space at EXPO REAL.

Application as main exhibitor

Anyone wishing to participate at EXPO REAL 2024 as an exhibitor must apply online as a main exhibitor. The application is not binding. How you can apply, and what you should pay attention to, is explained here.

Important: Please verify that you belong to one of our eligible exhibition sectors.

The first registration phase for main exhibitors has already been completed. Applications are still possible. By the end of May, we will contact you regarding the placement offer.

Main exhibitors who wish to have co-exhibitors at their stand must register them online as well. The registration for co-exhibitors takes place separately. Further information can be found here.

Tip: If possible, please use the browser Google Chrome or Firefox in order to fill in the online application form. In other browsers display problems may occur.

We are looking forward to your application request as an main exhibitor!

Stand prices & Conditions

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Tips, Dates & Deadlines

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The application process step by step

Main exhibitor application

We are pleased that you wish to participate at EXPO REAL 2024 as a main exhibitor. Please read the following instructions carefully; they contain important information regarding the application process. All further information on preparing your trade-fair participation can be found under Tips, Dates & Deadlines.

Please note: Applying for EXPO REAL, does not entail a legally binding contract for stand space. If we can offer stand space to you, you will receive a placement proposal from us from May 2024. The placement proposal only includes the stand space itself; stand building and equipment are not included.

Withdrawal from the registration: The registration for EXPO REAL is not legally binding, i.e. withdrawal of the registration is possible free of charge until the placement proposal has been confirmed. If you want to withdraw the registration, please write to

How to apply

  • Take note of the General Terms of Participation A, the Special Terms of Participation B and the Technical Guidelines listed below.
  • Switch to the online application and enter all required data. Please do not forget to submit the form at the end.
  • The registered company is the contractual partner and thus the invoice recipient.
  • The contact named in the application will receive the placement proposal from May 2024, as well as the registration information for the Exhibitor Shop from June 18, 2024.

Placement process

Start of allocation and placement proposal

The allocation process of the stands in the halls will start after the official deadline for main exhibitors at the end of March 2024. After checking your application and subject to a placement possibility and affiliation to the defined exhibition sectors, we will send you a placement proposal at the beginning of May 2024 after completion of overall planning.

You accept the proposal:

Please confirm within ten days using the link in your e-mail. You do not have to return the signed offer to us. Your acceptance of the proposal will be the final confirmation of your stand. You will receive an e-mail to this effect as well.

You reject the proposal:

You can withdraw your registration free of charge by pressing the “Reject” button in your e-mail; see “A2 Admission” of the Terms of Participation A. Please only decline if you are no longer interested in participating in EXPO REAL as an exhibitor or if you have already consulted with the project management regarding an alternative placement.

If you have any questions, please contact the respective hall manager directly.


Admission invoice

The admission invoices will be sent out from May 15, 2024. Payment deadline is June 04, 2024.

Please note that if you wish to have an invoice re-issued because the name, legal form or address of the invoice recipient has changed, the exhibitor is bound to pay Messe München GmbH a fee of EUR 200,00 for each invoice amendment.

Final invoice

The final invoices will be sent out from November 18, 2024.

Important information for exhibitors

Only exhibitors who can be assigned to at least one of the exhibition sectors listed in the nomenclature and whose offerings correspond to at least one of the nomenclature items listed for these exhibition sectors are eligible for EXPO REAL.

Co-exhibitor application

Co-exhibitors can also register for EXPO REAL. An individual link is required, which the main exhibitor will receive after registration.

Important: Please verify that you belong to one of our eligible exhibiton sectors of EXPO REAL.

You can find the different registration deadlines in our price overview.

Registering co-exhibitors for your stand

  • Once you have finalized the main exhibitor application, you will receive an e-mail from us confirming your application. This e-mail also contains the individualized registration link that you need in order to register your co-exhibitor(s).
  • This registration link is also available in the EXPO REAL registration portal. Under "My registrations", you can view your submitted registrations. Select the "Co-exhibitor" icon under "Actions" to find the link to register your co-exhibitor(s).
  • Please send this link directly to your co-exhibitor(s) in order for them to register.

To exhibitor brochure

Further information on your participation at EXPO REAL as an exhibitor can be found in our exhibitor brochure.

Open now

Frequently asked questions about the online registration

I was already registered as an exhibitor, but I can no longer log in

If you have already registered for a Messe München project in the past, you can reuse your user name and password.

If this does not work, go to “Forgotten password”.

Important: Please request a new password only once, even if you do not receive the e-mail for a new password immediately. Sometimes this can take several hours. Repeated requests to reset your password within a short period of time may result in your account being blocked.

Check also your spam folder to see if the e-mail has arrived there.

My new password is not accepted

Please note when assigning a new password: @ and _ (underscore) are NOT accepted as special characters.

I don't see the history of trade fair registrations in Munich after logging in

There may be several reasons for this, including the fact that you may registered with a different company name (e.g. a different branch) and your customer account is therefore not identical.

Please contact the support and we will be happy to help you.

I cannot send my registration

Please check that you have selected the number zero and not the letter O for the co-exhibitors.
Ensure that you have not overlooked a mandatory field. Please pay attention to any highlighting or notes in your application to correct any errors or missing information.

Your contact for the online registration

If you have problems registering as an exhibitor, please do not hesitate to contact the exhibitor hotline.